Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As those of you that follow me on Pinterest know, I'm a little addicted to pinning. It seems to be a common trait among the bloggers I follow! It's probably a good think that I'm only allowed to use my laptop in one class this semester, because I have such a bad habit of pinning in class. I use Pinterest to organize ideas for camp, blog ideas, school tips, fashion pieces I'd love to have, quotes (lots of quotes!), future dreams, and just other things I like. I pin almost everything!

Here are some of my favorite things I've pinned lately!

Huge list of career ideas for every major!  So great for someone like me that really has no idea what I want to do in life.

Oia in Santori, Greece It's so beautiful!

I adore this Lilly Mug! I'm a little obsessed with flamingoes.

Love and hugs,
"Find a beautiful place and get lost"

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